mountain outlaw
Artificial Adventures

We asked Chat GPT to plan an adventure weekend worthy of being published... And it did.

In the summer of 2023, I logged into Chat GPT and asked it to plan the ultimate adventure weekend worthy of being published. We would take whatever it spit out, and follow it as closely as we could, down to each calorie eaten. Fast forward to June 2024 and our article has been published in Mountain Outlaw. While the published article is the main feature, below are some additional images and descriptions of our trip.

Photography: Charles Stemen & Kyle Tilleman
Copywriting (Published Article): Andrew Arena
Shoot Production: Charles Stemen
Copywriting (Chat GPT Prompt & Trip Summary Below): Charles Stemen
Services Provided
Adventure Photography
Kyle and I arrived to the campsite Chat GPT had picked out for us. It was then that we found out the campsite was one of the many targets of the previous years historic flooding in the Yellowstone area, and was literally cut in half by the new path of the river. Still, we got a great spot, and with no strict schedule from our AI overlord, I took some time to bike around and check out the surreal amount of damage the flooding had caused. It was on this bike ride, that I was relieved to find that the bridge had been replaced, likely just days prior to our arrival, as work was still being done on it. Chat GPT had not warned us that the flood had taken out entire sections of this road we needed to use including this bridge that we would need to cross to access our climb scheduled for the following morning. Or maybe, it did know that the bridge would be up in time for our trip and didn't feel the need to warn us...
Featured above are some examples of the flood damage, including some of the crumpled remains of the old bridge with our climbing route for the following day featured in the background.

Soon, it was time for dinner. Let's rewind quick to our day of asking Chat GPT for this trip plan. The AI had kindly asked if there were any dietary preferences it should consider for each of us. I knew Kyle didn't eat pork, so I let it know only that about Kyle. As you'll see, it no only restricted pork from Kyles diet, but denied him the group coffee the first two mornings, along with any alcohol, and also made sure to label all his meals as "sans pork" even if they had no pork to begin with. Andrew, a gas-station fueled construction worker seemed to have one of the strongest sweet tooths I've ever come across, and out of concern for any withdrawls on his end, I shared the following with the AI: "I am concerned about Andrew because he loves sugar. He may not make it without his daily mountain dew code red." Lastly, we as a group had discussed how it would be funny to have to make gourmet meals on this trip, so I shared that I prefered gourmet meals, thinking that each of our preferences would be added to group meals. Instead, Chat GPT separated all of our meals except for breakfasts and desserts. Not quite the most efficient when planning a trip like this, but we'd have no choice.

For our fist dinner, the AI had planned us something special:
Charles: Quinoa salad with roasted veggies, feta, and a balsamic vinaigrette. Paired with a bottle of Pinot Noir.
Kyle: The same quinoa salad (sans pork).
Andrew: BBQ chicken sandwich (using chicken pre-cooked and packed) and a chilled Mountain Dew Code Red.
Dessert: Chocolate fondue with strawberries and marshmallows for dipping. For Charles, a special touch of gourmet dark chocolate.
Day 1: Climb & Run
We awoke early to attempt to beat Chat GPT's aggresive timeline for our climb. In addition to racking up for our 5 pitch trad climb, we had figure out the logistics of having still cold lemonade at the top, as well as all out camera gear. We filled a thermos with cold lemonade from the fridge and strapped it to Andrew harness. We also each had to make and pack our own, individual lunches, not to be had until the top of the climb.

Oatmeal with fresh berries, nuts, and honey. Coffee for Charles and Andrew. Special gourmet blend for Charles.

Charles: Gourmet wraps with smoked salmon, cream cheese, capers, and fresh dill.
Kyle: Chicken Caesar wrap.
Andrew: PB&J wraps with a side of gummy bears for that sugar kick.
Drink: Cold lemonade.

Below: Thankful to be crossing a bridge and not wading across the river.
Dear Chat GPT,
Salmon wraps with cream cheese do not age well in the hot summer sun, nor in crammed climbing bags. Also bread is superior to wraps for PB&J. Kyle seemed pleased enough with his chicken caesar wrap.

Below: Andrew with his concerning Code Red prescription for the weekend.
Back at camp, tired from our climb, we checked our schedule only to remember Chat GPT had scheduled a run for our afternoon. We watched Andrew down a Code Red, laced up our running shoes and headed out on a 7 mile run, encountering more flood damage, moose, a great sunset, and some friendly backpackers. With the stress of a successful climb lifted, this run felt like a treat, with the exception of us running a bit behind schedule and arriving to camp to cook dinner after dark.
Back at camp, we checked in to see what each of us would be cooking. Yet again, each of us had our own meal to craft.

Charles: Gourmet pasta with sun-dried tomatoes, olives, and fresh herbs, paired with a Chardonnay.
Kyle: Pasta with marinara and grilled veggies.
Andrew: Mac 'n cheese with a Mountain Dew Code Red.
Day 2: Gravel Biking & Fishing
Chat GPT had told us to go on a gravel bike ride ending in a location suitable for fishing. A logistical nightmare but one we figured out thought a shuttle system. Kyle was excited this morning because he was upgraded from water to orange juice for todays breakfast. Still, he looked longingly at Andrew and I enjoying our coffee.

Breakfast:Scrambled eggs with spinach, feta, and tomatoes. Gourmet coffee for Charles, regular for Andrew, and orange juice for Kyle. 😢

With our bike ride complete, we took a dip into the river and gathered for another comical display of food planning by the AI.

Charles: Gourmet cheese and charcuterie board with artisanal crackers.
Kyle: Tuna salad sandwich.
Andrew: Ham (substitute for Kyle) and cheese sandwich with a side of cookies and Mountain Dew Code Red.

For the afternoon we were sending Andrew out on Chat GPT's most dire mission yet; to catch us dinner. There was no backup plan for calories tonight, and Kyle and I were not to assist him. Instead, we were to "explore or relax".
Casting into the night on bugless waters, Andrew came back to camp empty handed. With no dinner we looked to see what Chat GPT had planned for us for dessert. Blueberry Cobbler. On a campfire? I pulled out the dutch oven and we quickly realized Kyle had forgotten the flower. We substituted oats, resulting in something resembling sweet, boiled blueberries and oats to hold us over for the night.

But if that wasn't enough, there was one more thing Chat GPT had up it's sleeve. The day prior to us leaving, I logged back in to Chat GPT and asked it to plan a prank for me to exicute on the trip. It recommended that I download Grizzly bear noises to my phone, and once night had fallen and we were around the campfire, to sneak off and plant a bluetooth speaker in the woods.

The prank went surprisingly well, with Andrew exclaiming "Nope!" as he ran to his truck, and Kyle right on his heels. Cowering behind their vehicles in the darkness, they yelled to me that a bear was coming to relieve me of my blueberry cobbler.

This is the type of prank that I would never do on my own, but seemed to only be fitting on a trip planned by Chat GPT.  
Day 3: Mountain Biking & Return Journey
Chat GPT lined us up for an epic ride in the beartooths, with 10 miles of plateau riding into a 6 mile descent towards Red Lodge where we lost 5,000 feet of vert. Epic!

Breakfast:Pancakes with maple syrup, fresh fruit, and bacon (turkey bacon for Kyle). AND!!! wait for it... Coffee for all. Kyle was nearly in tears.

Lunch on trail consisted of the following:

Charles: Gourmet chicken salad with mixed greens and vinaigrette.
Kyle: Veggie and hummus wrap.
Andrew: Chicken nuggets and a Mountain Dew Code Red.

With the trip complete, we all parted ways and made our way home to Bozeman, humbled and happy about the epic weekend we had just enjoyed. I think Andrew sums up or end of trip thoughts well in the article, so make sure you check that out!


This article was featured in the Summer 2024 Mountain Outlaw magazine.

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